Monday, May 12, 2008

The Secret

The Secret
Since The Secret first came out there have been dozens of books that follow the key points of manifesting as laid out by Rhonda Byrne. Some clarify. Some add a few new points. However, the basic foundation remains the same.

The overall premise of The Secret is that thoughts magnetize/attract/create matter. Therefore, if we spend all our time worrying that a certain event will come, that we don't have enough of something, or that we will never achieve a certain thing then the universe assumes we want these things and complies. So the more we focus on what we don't want, the more we continue to receive exactly that.

Knowing this key point, we can make real changes to our lives. We can start focusing on the things we actually do want. Then let our positive energy work for us, rather than against us.

Source | The Secret

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